by Brian Sands

Part Two: Languishing

Time had no meaning. And, on the other hand, it had all the meaning in the world. Melanie felt that she had been lying helpless on the floor of her bedroom for hours. There had been panic, frantic thrashing around, flopping like a fish. Tears had come and with them a fear of asphyxiation. At one point Melanie fainted, but fortunately not for long.

She could follow the slow march of time from the shifting figures of the digital clock that stood on the bedside table next to the lamp. They clicked off second by second and minute by slow minute. But they had no real meaning. After an hour had passed she knew that no-one was coming to her rescue. No-one knew she was there, alone, trussed and completely helpless. She could not look forward to rescue with any sense of certainty, as she would have done in an outdoor robbery, in a store perhaps when police or security officers would have arrived on the scene sooner or later.

At first, after the burglar had left, Melanie had begun to struggle in a disciplined, thoughtful way, testing the ropes carefully to discover a loose turn or a weak knot that she could tease into unravelling, fighting down the panic that threatened to overcome her second by second. The unsettling, perverse thrill of anticipation she had experienced during the act of being bound had quickly been replaced by fear and something akin to claustrophobia. She was already hot and dishevelled. Her heavy hair, dark with an auburn tinge, had been gradually spilled from its smart coif style when she had been pushed onto the bed and her legs bound. The tying of the gag had undone the hairdo fully so that now as she rolled from side to side it was tousled, falling across her face and eyes. The ordeal began with the subtle taste of her own lipstick and the soft slick silken feel of the wadding that filled her mouth and resisted all the efforts of her tongue to dislodge.

Everything held fast. Within a very few minutes Melanie surrendered to the panic that had been building up inside her and bucked and tossed energetically until sheer exhaustion muted the panic just as effectively as the immoveable gag muted any sound she made. There was a time when she lay face down on the floor, her head to one side, and sobbed uncontrollably. Finally, something that she identified from her safety first training as shock, and real exhaustion, set in. Melanie was very fit and supple but for the time being her reserves of energy were thoroughly used up, and for a long while she lay still.

Belatedly, she took the burglar's advice and followed her breathing attentively. She could breathe with comparative ease through her nose. A little air could also be drawn in around the gag. But it was stale and it grew increasingly difficult to breathe through her mouth as the wad of silk became saturated and therefore more airtight. The gag caused her to drool and a small line of saliva trickled down the side of her mouth that was close to the floor. The corners of her mouth itched and her jaw ached. The silk organza material stretched taut over her lips and around her cheeks was scratchy enough to begin a slow chafing as she tossed her head from side to side. Perhaps the discomfort would have been less if her captor had used one of the pure silks, Melanie speculated, like the additional wadding that cushioned the hard edges of the large knot that filled her mouth.

The coercion in and around her mouth was insupportable. Her jaw was held open but the gag allowed some movement. It was not a jaw-breaking tie and she found that she could open her mouth wider. But, every time she did, the silken wedge seemed to expand to fill her mouth. It became no looser with her mouth stretched wider than with her mouth open to the lesser extent that the gag enforced. In the way it was tied it could not slip into the back of her throat to choke her, but neither could it be pushed out over her chin. It was there for keeps.

Melanie's bonds were similarly escape proof, but without the deceptive flexibility that the gag appeared to allow. Her wrist ties remained fixed. She still could not twist her wrists within them and her struggles had no effect in loosening them at all. Moreover, she found that making a fist and pumping up her muscles succeeded only in cutting off the circulation to her hands. This happened during her frantic struggles and it took many minutes of lying still before the tingling in her hands and the pins and needles in her arms subsided. She had perforce to relax her hands and arms. This made doing anything with her fingers difficult, if not impossible. The same immoveable constrictions applied to her legs and arms.

She was now thoroughly dishevelled, almost in a state of dishabille. The light blue skirt - it was a kind of satin material - and the filmy silk half slip beneath it were rucked to her thighs. The third and fourth buttons of her blouse had come adrift revealing a generous strip of black lacy bra. The ropes that bound her arms above the elbows and those that wrapped her body in a tight embrace kept the silk taut around her body and partly across her breasts. A thin sheen of sweat covered Melanie's brow, face, and neck and made her blouse cling to her body. The smart little neck square that had ben folded into a neat choker was now a wisp of damp silk.

From time to time, Melanie lifted her head and listened for the welcome step of anyone passing in the street below, perhaps walking their dog that evening or strolling to the corner store. But on the rare occasions when she could hear footsteps, she found herself unable to do more than croak through the stifling silk that filled and wrapped her mouth. She experimented a lot, lifting her head, taking a deep breath, and calling as loud as she could. Neither a cry of help nor a scream produced anything more than a thin throaty squeal or a very muffled 'mmmmpphh.'

Why had she got herself into this mess? Melanie relived those first fateful minutes when she confronted the burglar, and wondered at the casual way she had invited him to tie her up. She realised that she need not have volunteered the information that there was rope in the house. There was in fact a lot of it, and he had used it all on her. She knew that her first thought had been to cooperate because she was terrified for her own safety. She had wanted him to take what he needed and leave as quickly as possible. Melanie had not screamed because she knew from experience that very little sound could penetrate the walls of the well-built structure. But perhaps she had cooperated too readily. If she had been bound with only a few items such as her scarves, some of which still lay scattered across the dresser, it might have been a different story. She might have been able to work herself free after a little trouble.

Melanie relaxed into her bonds and began to consider ways and means of getting free. Several possibilities had crossed her mind before, but in her panic she had not considered them soberly. Now she worked herself upright with surprising difficulty, pressing her body against the large divan bed so as to get onto her knees, until she was sitting side-saddle on the carpet, a position that is natural for many supple women. Her legs felt like jelly. With her arms so tightly fastened behind her, making her body a single bundle of helplessness, the danger of falling back onto her side was ever-present. She looked about the room for anything that might be used to set herself free. 'I've plenty of time to suss this out,' she thought ruefully.

Was there really a way of getting out of this mess? The window was too high to reach, to kick out for instance. Similarly, smashing the dresser mirror, or the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror that was part of the built-in wardrobe was out of the question. Her fingers were virtually useless and Melanie did not relish trying to cut her wrist bonds with broken pieces of glass. The same caveat went for scissors - the ones on the dresser were too small to do much good anyway - and there was no knife in the room. Melanie contemplated somehow getting through the house to the kitchen and attempting to free herself with a knife from there. But the same note of warning about using sharp things with hands that were almost numb stayed in her mind. Anyway, the bedroom door was closed, the door knob out of reach, and Melanie did not have the energy to try stunts like standing on legs that were bound together immoveably. There was no rough surface anywhere in sight on which she might attempt rubbing her bonds.

Being almost a fanatic about fitness, Melanie had studied books on safety first and home survival. In fact, one volume on survival that lay on the coffee table in the living room contained advice about what to do if she ever found herself bound and gagged. She had only been reading it that morning looking for ideas for the romantic thriller she had begun to write. Maybe, Melanie thought with dismay, she had been too cooperative with the burglar because fresh in her mind were ideas about ropes. The reality was that the book's advice about wriggling out of ropes was obviously of no use whatsoever. How long ago it seemed now, the bright fresh morning light as she walked the few blocks from the underground to an office she would see the last of for two weeks.

'If I can't get out of these bonds,' she speculated, 'maybe I can do smething about the gag.' What had the book said about it? She remembered that rubbing one's face against something such as a carpet could loosen a gag. But she had tried that already during her convulsive struggles, with a notable lack of success. Hooking the gag over something, however, was a possibility. Melanie looked around for anything in the room that might offer this step towards freedom, because if she could free her mouth she could yell loudly enough to be heard from the street outside, couldn't she? She knew immediately that this was not realistic. The thickness of the walls would see to that. And Melanie realised that her thoughts were beginning to wander, because the same ideas about getting free from the ropes and the gag were turning over and over in her mind. But it would be such a relief to have the stifling gag out of her mouth.

The wooden knobs of the chest of drawers beckoned, and with slow painful efforts she began to inch her way across the floor towards them. Her slow passage across the carpet pushed the folds of skirt and slip higher up her thighs, so - although there was no-one to witness her embarassment (and how she wished there was!) - in a spirit of modesty she lay down upon the floor and rolled her way across. The choice to travel quickly so exhausted Melanie that she lay still for at least ten mnutes, catching her breath as well as she could though a gag that was now heavy and sodden in her mouth. When at last she managed to prop herself into a sitting position again, with one shoulder against the front of the chest of drawers, she found to her vexation that the drawer knobs were too rounded and smooth to slip beneath the folds of cloth wrapped tightly about her face.

With a sob of frustration, Melanie sank to the floor and lay on her side, utterly defeated. The bedside clock continued its inexorable measurement of time, but Melanie closed her eyes wearily and tried not to think about the hours of torment that lay ahead.


Meanwhile, Brendan had been driving in circles for hours, never going far from the suburb where he knew the beautiful silky woman lay bound, gagged and helpless as a result of his doing. His mind was in turmoil. Common sense told him that it was wiser to put many miles between him and the house he had just robbed, to dump the stolen car, and go to ground in his comfortable apartment by the ocean.

But he could not get the young woman's eyes out of his mind, the way she had looked at him over the gag with a mixture of pleading and ... something else that he could not quite define. Excitement? That couldn't be. She had been genuinely frightened. Or was it the way she had cooperated that shook him so badly? She didn't have to tell him about all the rope in the cupboard. But she was not to know at that point that he had a large roll of duct tape waiting to immobilise her svelt body and limbs in its sticky unyielding embrace.

Brendan admitted that he had enjoyed tying her up. His still partial erection proved it. The fragrance and warmth of her body lingered with him, augmented by the expensive silks of her apparel. The backs of his hands tingled at the memory. There had been something of innocence almost, in the way she had submitted herself to his expert ministrations, trusting though unwilling. It did not matter that she had no options. She could have put up a hell of a fight if she had wanted to. The muscle tone in those soft limbs told Brendan that she was fit and active.

And when she entered the bedroom he had been preparing to spring, to prevent her from letting out a scream, and his intention was to be as rough as necessary to subdue his victim. But she had disarmed him completely. He could describe it as freshness and natural beauty, qualities that seemed to fit perfectly although he knew they were cliches. And she was beautiful: small, graceful, refined. He remembered her slender, sensitive fingers as he bound her wrists, how they remained relaxed most of the time until they stretched involuntarily, as if in pleading, when he tightened the cinching.

He felt a heel, the way he had purposely trussed her so tightly. With all the other women he had been forced by circumstances to bind he had left a way out, a loose knot in a strategic position that could be reached by questing fingers, or an open door. On one occasion he had intentionally tied the bandaging gag loose enough for his prisoner to work the packing out of her mouth and call for help. Why had he tied this fay woman so tightly? He had not taken a dislike to her, quite the contrary. Maybe it was because he did not want her to escape.

'To hell with it,' he muttered to himself as he turned onto the freeway that would take him to the beachside, 'Brendan, Gentleman Burglar, nah. Someone will find her. A rich woman like that probably employs a cleaning lady who'll come in the morning and set her free.'


While Brendan was having these thoughts, Melanie was gazing hopelessly around her room for the hundedth time. The digital clock showed that it was just 1.34 am. She had arrived home late from work because of last minute shopping somtime around 7.00 p.m. That meant she had been tied up for more than six hours. Her body felt stiff and sore all over. Her shoulders in particular ached abominably from having her elbows tied into the small of her back. Her mouth and especially her lips felt chafed and raw. There was almost no feeling left in her fingers because the heating of her body in a room that had now grown warm as well had the effect of making her arms and legs swell, as they do when travelling in cramped conditions in buses and planes. The only sound she could now make was a faint croak because her mouth and throat were dry. As if all this was not discomfort enough, Melanie had a splitting headache and her face felt hot and sticky from the wrappings of the gag.

She tried to think about something, anything, that would help to take her mind off the frightening ordeal. What sort of man could he be to tie a woman up in such a way? she wondered. His hands had felt strong and she fantasized that they might also be surprisingly tender if given the chance. 'Oh my god,' she thought with a start, 'I must be going crazy. Am I getting a crush on my burglar? Impossible.' She tried to think of something else, but she could not help feeling curious about what kind of person would do such things to her. There she was, thinking in circles again!

Melanie lifted her head and with swimming eyes looked at the clock. The time was now almost three. In another two hours the sun would be pouring in through the gap between the window curtains. With a sigh she resigned herself, closed her eyes, and tried to relax in her bonds.

But she had no sooner dropped her head to the floor when she jerked up suddenly, startled by a faint sound coming from somewhere in the back of the house. The tight gag deadened her hearing and she could not be sure, but it had sounded almost like the squeal of that window with the stiff frame. She listened with a mixture of apprehension and hope. Surely it could not be another burglar. And it was too early for adventurous kids, some of whom had trespassed into her back yard on a number of occasions to retrieve their basketball. At that time of morning it was more likely to be the neighbour's cat. But a cat that opened windows?

Melanie strained anxiously to listen for any further sound. She had probably been mistaken anyway. But there it was again, this time without a doubt the squeaky floorboard near the kitchen pantry. Thank God for old houses! She did not know whether to be relieved or frightened when she now made out soft footfalls in the hallway approaching the door of the bedroom where she was imprisoned. She remembered telling one of her friends that she would appreciate it if they visited the house occasionally while she was away. Maybe that was it. Some people were early risers. In a fever of anticipation, Melanie lifted her head and attempted to yell. No sound came. But he key was turning in the lock.

The main light in the room was switched on. Melanie blinked and turned her head away for some seconds until her eyes had become accustomed to the brightness. When she raised her head to see the identity of her rescuer her heart missed a beat. It was a man dressed in black with a stocking mask over his head. The burglar, her burglar, was back.


Chapter Three

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